Welcome To Greene County
News From Your Treasurer:
Online renewal: https://iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/driverslicense/RenewalandReplacementRequirements
6 month extension: https://iowadot.seamlessdocs.com/f/ApplforTempExtensionofLicense
The DOT has extended the deadline of the REAL ID to May 2025!
If you have any questions feel free to call or email me at kmechaelsen@greenecounty.iowa.gov
General Information:
DRIVER'S LICENSE HOURSMonday: 8:00-3:45Tuesday: DRIVE TEST by appointment onlyWednesday: 8:00-3:45Thursday: 8:00-3:45Friday: 8:00-3:45**PLEASE NOTE: THE DRIVER'S LICENSE DEPARTMENT CLOSES AT 4:00 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY**
**ATTENTION CDL HOLDERS** - Federal regulations requires you to
bring proof of citizenship or lawful presence to renew or upgrade your CDL.
Please call our office at 515-386-5675 to determine the documents you will
need to bring with you
Learn more about the Mobile ID
Property Taxes Did you know you can make partial payments on your property taxes? Partial payments are accepted for current or delinquent real estate or mobile home taxes. The amount of the partial payment must be greater than the late interest and costs due. Partial payments cannot be accepted for special assessments or tax sale redemption payments. You may make partial payments online, mailing it to your County Treasurer or stopping in to the office during regular hours. Partial payments are an excellent way to make sure you taxes are paid on time while operating on a budget. 2025 Tax Sale Information BELOW
Greene County Assessor Property Search
Motor Vehicle FAQ's
Driver's License
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Greene County Schools and are offering 'Skip the Trip.' This program will allow students to take the driver knowledge test required to obtain a driver's instruction permit. This will save the you time by reducing multiple trips to the courthouse if the student does note pass on his/her first try. This will also will keep the students from missing hours of school. The student will still need to come to the courthouse with their parent or legal guardian to be issued an instruction permit. However, there is a parent affidavit that can be used in substitution of a parents presence. To prepare for a successful knowledge test, students should study the Iowa Driver's Manual and online practice test, both available at: https://iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/manuals-and-practice-tests
About Us:
Katlynn Mechaelsen Phone: 515-386-5675 Email: kmechaelsen@greenecounty.iowa.gov |
Welcome to Greene County. Our Mission is to perform the duties and responsibilities of the County Treasurer as stated in the Iowa Code by delivering accurate quality service through our Motor Vehicle, Driver’s License, and Tax Departments in an efficient and courteous manner. We are accountable to manage the financial assests of Greene County in a prudent and responsible manner. We hope you find our website useful and informational. Thank you. Katlynn Mechaelsen Greene County Treasurer |
Population - Ranking 9,046 - 82nd |
Contact Information
Phone Number: 515-386-5675
Email: kmechaelsen@greenecounty.iowa.gov